The Glaciermen - Index

Begin the chilling adventure of a boy’s survival after a plane crash on the ice sheet of Southern Greenland, where man is not the apex predator, and an ancient evil holds the secret to survival. A science team searches a long-frozen airline crash for clues to unlock the mysteries hidden in DNA, but discovers something far more sinister beneath the ice. "The Thing” meets “Apocalypto.”

New segments are published every Tuesday, and I publish as I write, so you get the story as it happens in real time. Subscribe to never miss a beat.

For scope, the story is currently about three-quarters finished.

Chapter 1: Lee

Chapter 2: Greenland

Chapter 3: Massacre

Chapter 4: Tomb

Chapter 5: Aguta

Chapter 6: Tribe

Chapter 7: Trial

Chapter 8: Raid

Coming Soon:

- #34: Prey
Chapter 9:
- #35: Betrayal
- #36: Progenitor
- #37: Betrayal
- #38: Convergence

That’s it for now. Subscribe to get the latest chapters right in your inbox:


- Xavier Macfarlane
